My Current Weight Loss

Thursday, September 20, 2007

It's been too long...

Alright, so I am back from a much too long hiatus. I've been meaning to write for a week or so and just never got around to it.

Things are about the same. Still car shopping/selling (Anyone want a 2004 BMW X3?)... still passively house shopping/selling (Anyone want a 3bed/3bath townhouse?)... still wedding planning (Anyone want to be my wedding planner?). :-) Work is good, life is good, weight loss is okay.

I have a feeling that the day I actually try on wedding dresses will really kick my butt in gear. Luckily, I'm going to do that in a few weeks when my sister flies out, so it isn't too far off. I haven't been doing badly. I've been eating well, I just haven't been exercising. I haven't gained weight, but I've been losing an ity-bity teenie-weenie bit at a time. I'm sure I'll get back in the groove here soon.

So Saturday is Yom Kippur. That means Matt will be fasting from sundown Friday until sundown Saturday. I think I may try to fast with him, simply because I'd feel really mean eating infront of him. We will see how that goes, though! On Sunday we might take a drive into the mountains... a co-worker of mine said the Aspen trees are turning color already. If you've never seen them the leaves turn an amazing bright yellow in the fall... it is gorgeous! So, if the weather isn't too horrible, we may do that.

Other than that, life is boring as usual. Oh, and if anyone wants a really cute, but most likely retarded and incapable of using the litter box cat, I have one! I may be throwing her outside before I go insane. :) (Don't go calling PITA... I'm being sarcastic... kinda.)


Anonymous said...

Slow, gradual weight loss is better than nothing...and it's most certainly better than gaining! So good for you on that!! :) How's the wedding planning going? Getting the urge to elope, yet? ;) Hang in there, you'll get through it.

Have fun in the mountains (if you go). Kevin and I have been talking about driving up there one of these days. We saw pics of Breckonridge a couple days ago and it was beautiful!! It definitely inspired us to hit the higher elevations. :)

Rob Tucker said...

What a busy (but rewarding) time you're having. Glad to see you are still around and going strong.

How long til the wedding?

Rebecca said...

might trade you - want a cat that cries incessantly at 6:00 am, and all the time for no good reason?

nice to read from you! :)

Ripx180 said...

good to see a blog from you and read things are going good. Sounds like you are really busy with all the stuff you have going on. I remember the whole wedding scene when I was there , it was taxing to say the least and I am a guy :)

I would love to make it to Beckonridge one of these years. I love to snow ski and really beside lake tahoe I have never ski out of the northwest. Love the fall colors we get out here also.

Marcol said...

Good to hear from you Lacy! I dont however envy you with all thats on your plate. As Beck say gradual loss is better than nothing at all or a gain for that matter.

I cracked up about the cat :)

Jay said...

That cat sounds like a PITA. :)