My Current Weight Loss

Monday, December 10, 2007

Yes, it really is me... and I'm actually blogging!

Hello all... (or, the two of you who will read this, since you've all given up on my writing another blog before the next millenium!) Sorry I've been away for so long! The time just seems to get away from me... I was shocked to see it had been almost 2 months since my last blog.... I thought it was maybe two weeks! Silly me.

Nothing much has changed on my end. Still wedding planning, still trying to sell/buy a house, still working... SOSDD, as my dad would say. And, my weight hasn't changed, either. Yeah, I'm annoyed with myself... actually, pissed off at myself... for wasting the last few months instead of losing weight. But, a teenie tiny part is just glad that I haven't gained any weight, either. The Holidays suck, as everyone knows. This weekend I spent hours and hours and hours baking cookies and brownies to give away as Hanukkah presents. Well, you can't bake cookies without taking a few bites of cookie dough... and then you have to taste the finished cookies to make sure they taste good... and then you have to taste one once you've finished frosting/decorating them. Yeah, it was one of those weekends.

Oh, and FYI, I greatly dislike snow! I don't know why I moved to Denver of all places! I can't wait to go home to California for Christmas and feel some nice, warm sunshine! Who needs a white Christmas... NOT ME!

Anyhow, it is past my bed time so I'm going to wrap this up. Again, sorry for being MIA for too long. Hopefully this weekend I will have a chance to catch up on some of your blogs and maybe even write another of my own! *gasp* Yes, it just might happen... prepare yourself. :)

Sunday, October 21, 2007

A Snowy Sunday

That's right - it's October and it snowed about 4+ inches here today. Yesterday it was 78 and sunny. Where in the world does it drop over 40 degrees in one day?! Oh, yeah... Denver. At least it is starting to melt already and it looks like it will be a pretty nice week. I am so not ready for winter.

Matt left today on a trek to Kansas City, MO. He found a car he wants out there so he left for the 9 hour drive this afternoon. I'm always wishing I had more free time to do some fun stuff, but I've had all day to myself and I couldn't think of anything I wanted to do. Since our house is on the market, the place is spotless so there was nothing to clean. For the first time in forever my hamper is completely empty and every piece of laundry is washed. It is icky outside so I didn't want to go anywhere. Basically, I was bored. I did just make a pot of homemade chicken noodle soup which was pretty yummy, so I was somewhat productive. Long story short, I wish he was here. :)

So, my weight loss as been disgraceful lately. I haven't been to a weight watchers meeting in a month and a half. That is mostly due to the fact that almost all of my work deadlines are on Fridays, and I'm always working late on Thursdays when my meetings are. I should just go to a new meeting, but I really like the leader at my current meetings. I am determined to go this week, though. I am quite upset with myself and the fact that I've lost a whopping 3 pounds in 3 months. I've lost that in a week before. There is really no excuse for it. I have been eating pretty well, I just haven't been exercising, and I know I have to. I'm not really sure how to start, but I really need to fit it into my daily routine.

Along those lines, I haven't changed my goals on the right side-bar since I started this whole thing. The main reason is that if I do, I'm admitting that I failed - miserably. It's October 21 and I haven't even met the goal I set for July. How lame is that. I look at pictures of myself and am utterly disgusted, but for some reason I can't translate that into daily motivation. It is really driving me crazy.

Another thing that has been bugging me lately is that my sister has lost a lot of weight. She came out last weekend to visit and do wedding stuff, and she looks really good. I'm not upset that she is losing weight and I'm not... it isn't that at all. What bugs me is that she is taking some sort of pill to help her do it. It's really expensive and not a prescription. My mom keeps calling and saying how proud she is of my sister and how great she looks now. I try to explain to her that I wish she was doing it another way, because it's unhealthy and when she was younger she abused diet pills. My mom responds with "Well, I guess she just really wanted the weight off... its a lot easier to just maintain being thin than actually getting there." OMG! Does that mean that because I'm not risking getting addicted to some pill that I don't want to lose weight? Grrr. It just makes me mad for some reason and I can't really explain it.

Okay, enough ranting. I didn't think I really had anything to say, but I guess I did. :) I hope everyone has a great week! Oh, and GO BRONCOS!

Wednesday, September 26, 2007

FYI - My Ass is HUGE

So, I went wedding dress shopping tonight. Did I find THE dress? No. But, I did discover that my butt is gigantic. How often do you look at your own behind straight on? I don't think I ever have.... because if I had, I would have stopped eating right that second. It was kind of like its own entity... like "Hey, there's Lacy... and there's her ass".

So, it was a good night and a bad night... I tried on dresses and veils and even jewlery... lots of fun stuff. But, also kind of depressing. I'm mad/sad that I let myself get to this point... where even in a beautiful wedding dress I can barely stand to look at myself in a mirror. And, I was sad that I didn't have anyone with me. My soon-to-be Aunt Coni was helping me try things on (she works at Davids Bridal), so that was nice... but, I didn't have my mom or sister or best friend with me. Oh well. That's what you get when you move 1,000 miles away from home I guess.

Anyhow, I think this was the "motivating factor" I talked about in my last blog. The realness of the wedding, and the realness of my disgustingness (yeah, because thats a word) has set in. Jiggle Free here I come!

Thursday, September 20, 2007

It's been too long...

Alright, so I am back from a much too long hiatus. I've been meaning to write for a week or so and just never got around to it.

Things are about the same. Still car shopping/selling (Anyone want a 2004 BMW X3?)... still passively house shopping/selling (Anyone want a 3bed/3bath townhouse?)... still wedding planning (Anyone want to be my wedding planner?). :-) Work is good, life is good, weight loss is okay.

I have a feeling that the day I actually try on wedding dresses will really kick my butt in gear. Luckily, I'm going to do that in a few weeks when my sister flies out, so it isn't too far off. I haven't been doing badly. I've been eating well, I just haven't been exercising. I haven't gained weight, but I've been losing an ity-bity teenie-weenie bit at a time. I'm sure I'll get back in the groove here soon.

So Saturday is Yom Kippur. That means Matt will be fasting from sundown Friday until sundown Saturday. I think I may try to fast with him, simply because I'd feel really mean eating infront of him. We will see how that goes, though! On Sunday we might take a drive into the mountains... a co-worker of mine said the Aspen trees are turning color already. If you've never seen them the leaves turn an amazing bright yellow in the fall... it is gorgeous! So, if the weather isn't too horrible, we may do that.

Other than that, life is boring as usual. Oh, and if anyone wants a really cute, but most likely retarded and incapable of using the litter box cat, I have one! I may be throwing her outside before I go insane. :) (Don't go calling PITA... I'm being sarcastic... kinda.)

Wednesday, August 29, 2007

Keep On Keepin' On...

Yes, it has been over 2 weeks since I've last blogged. Maybe that makes me a bad person, maybe it doesn't. Maybe it means that I'm not as dedicated as some other people, maybe it doesn't. But, I can assure you that I haven't been sitting in a closet stuffing my face with doughnuts, as someone not-so-kindly implied the last time I went MIA for while. I'm staying on plan and losing weight at the snails-pace I've become used to. The main reason I don't blog often? Basically, I have nothing to say. I'm not reaching the top of any mountains, so I can't yell at the world and have them applaud my accomplishment... But I'm also not falling off of any cliffs into a vat of cheeseburgers and chocolate cake, so I don't need to call for help. I'm just living my life, and my life is not that exciting. We're planning a wedding. We're house shopping. We're used-car shopping. I work, I run errands, I cook dinner, I spend time with my fiance, and I sleep. Lather, Rinse, Repeat as Phoebe would say (or sing... horribly). And through it all I try to make the best decisions I can to get me to where I want to be - Jiggle Free.

So, don't assume that I'm failing just because I'm not writing. Whenever I get free time, I try to catch up on all of your blogs and leave comments, so I'll continue to do that. And, when I think of something interesting to write about, I will do so. Until then, I'll just keep on keepin' on...

Monday, August 13, 2007

I survived the week!

Sorry about not writing all week... it has been beyond busy!

Monday-Wednesday of last week I worked major overtime so that I could take some time off to visit with my parents. I picked them up from the airport on Thursday afternoon. If I had really tried, I probably could have made it to my WW meeting... but, I would have felt super guilty dropping them off at my house, without a vehicle, and leaving for an hour and a half. So, I skipped it. I did really well (all things considered) with eating during the visit. The first night we went to the best Italian place ever - Carrabba's. And boy was it yummy! I ate pretty well all during the day, and with all of the walking I did earlier in the week (and that morning) I had earned a massive number of activity points (basically, extra food points), so I think was well within my allotment, even though it was not even close to healthy. Friday I worked until about 2:00, then hung out with the family. Friday night we BBQ'd buffalo burgers... and they were yummy! I only had one, with low-fat cheese and a whole-grain bun. Saturday morning we went to IHOP and I had the famous 600-calorie breakfast. That night we went out and had steaks... you should have seen the surprise on my parents' faces when I told them a serving was about 3 ounces! hahaha I got the smallest portion (7 oz) and probably ate about 5oz of it. I got green beans and some french fries as sides... Not the worst meal in the world. And then Sunday was our engagement party. It was a ton of fun! My parents got to meet Matt's parents and his whole family, which was great. I opted to eat the grilled chicken and salad instead of the burgers and baked beans. And, I had to splurge and have a piece of cake! (They got us a delicious cake that had a picture of Matt and I on it! SO cute!) Overall, I think I handled it all pretty darn well. It was great to visit with family... and now it's time to get back to normal! :)

Whew! That was sure one big paragraph all about food. Luckily, it was about my good choices, as opposed to a depressing account of my screw-ups! :) The scale hasn't gone down a whole lot... but, I'm hoping for a decent drop tomorrow or the next day. That would be nice!

Anyhow, I hope you all had/have a great week!

Monday, August 6, 2007

Averages are good...

Since we all started the August challenge, I've been weighing myself on my home scale (about 1.5 lbs heavier than the weight watchers scale) every morning and doing the 5-day average thing. I think this is helping a lot. I haven't lost a ton (about 1.4 lbs so far this week) but it seems to keep me on track a lot more. Doing the once-a-week WW weigh in left a lot of wiggle room. If I wanted something bad to eat on Friday, I'd eat it because I had 6 days left before my next weigh in to make up for it. And rarely did I end up making up for it! But, weighing every day doesn't give that option, which has been keeping me on track.

This weekend I did one of my workout videos and it kicked my butt. I couldn't even finish the whole thing! It probably wasn't smart for me to jump in and do it without watching the whole video first, because I didn't pace myself very well. Hopefully next time will be easier.

Tomorrow and Wednesday I am going to get quite the workout... I am doing a parking study for Denver Union Station. That means that in the next two days, I have to walk all four sides of 57 blocks downtown (including the Coors Field lots) to count the number of parking spots available/occupied. That's a lot of walking! As long as the weather cooperates it should be good.

That's all of the good news. The bad news is that my parents are flying in on Thursday. On Sunday, Matt's family is throwing us an engagement party so our families can meet. My parents go home on Monday and Matt's parents stay until Tuesday or Wednesday. Don't get me wrong, I'm super excited about everything I just mentioned... but it also means I have 6 full days of company and a party to throw a major wrench into my eating habits. I know I will make decent choices... it's just going to be tough! Wish me luck! :)

*EDIT: Previously, I said my scale read lighter than WW... I had it backwards... it is actually heavier.

Tuesday, July 31, 2007

Holy Monkeys!

I had no idea it had been so long since my last post! Last night Matt said "You know, you haven't posted a blog in like 2 weeks"... and I said, "No... I posted one last Tuesday!". Well, he was right! It was the Tuesday before! Whoops.

Most of the reason I haven't been keeping up is because I used to do it at work, and at my new job, I can't (well, I really really shouldn't... even though I am right now!).

I've been eating fairly well, I just haven't been exercising, and I have no real excuse. But, last night I bought some workout DVDs so that I can do it at home, and can't use the weather as an excuse! We will see if that helps.

Last week I got some big-time-bummer news. Apparently I have high blood pressure. Yay for me. Did I mention I'm only 24? Yeah. Double Yay for me. I found this out at the gynecologist, and she wants me to go to a general practitioner to see about getting on some medication. I also had to go buy a home monitor to check my blood pressure every day. I feel like I'm 70 years old! It sucks. And I'm not a happy camper. But, that's what I get for letting myself get this way, right? Now it's time to turn it around and make it go away!

I'll really make more of an effort to blog. Then I have to come up with things to blog about! Sometimes that's the hardest part! :)

Thanks for yelling at me and telling me to come back. Although, I didn't get my normal yell from Rob... weird. :) I hope everyone has a great week!

Tuesday, July 17, 2007

I think I'm going crazy....

Have you ever thought about doing something, like in a lot of detail... and then later when it comes to mind again, you think you already did it, because you thought about it so much? I was positive I wrote a blog last week... with my updated weight and everything... but apparently I didn't. Too weird.

Anyhow, sorry about the big lag in blogs. Last week I started my new job. It is going really well so far... I think I've learned more in the last week than I learned in 6 months at my old job. I'm busy, which is nice - the days definitely go by faster!

And FYI... I am a new fan of IHOP. I know, how dare I mention light, fluffy pancakes for everyone to read about. BUT! They have a new healthy menu... I got a scramble (egg beaters, mushrooms, onions, bell peppers) and two huge pancakes with sugar free syrup and low-fat margarine. And the calorie count? *drumroll* Under 600 calories! And it was SO yummy! I know 600 calories is a lot in comparison to a bowl of shredded wheat... but when you are craving real breakfast food, I think it's fantastic! Anyhow, that's my pitch for IHOP.

I haven't been working out near as much as I should, which includes not running my miles. 90% of the reasoning is it's been too flipping hot outside. I want to run on the same course, so I haven't gone to the fitness center. But, I suppose any running will help improve my time, and I can just run the course at the end for comparison. The other 10% is that I'm being lazy... I'd much rather sit at the computer and look up wedding stuff! :) I'll snap out of it soon.

Anyhow, sorry again for not blogging for so long. And while I sensed some intense sarcasm, thanks to Kevin for telling me to get back on it. I hope everyone has an awesome week!

Sunday, July 8, 2007

Week 1 Challenge Stats

Sorry I haven't posted in the last few days... things have been absolutely crazy with trying to finish one job and getting ready to start another. But, it looks like things have finally settled down a bit. Yay!

As for my stats for this week... I'm down 1.8lbs this week. Not as much as I was hoping for, but I think that has a little to do with TOM. Also, I think it's pretty decent considering last week included my engagement weekend, 3 family dinners and 4th of July! I'll take it. My mile-run time is still the same... it's been too flipping hot to run the last few days (I woke up at 9:45am yesterday, and it was already 83 degrees). I will try to run this evening once the sun goes down.

I hope everyone has a great week!

Wednesday, July 4, 2007

Happy 4th of July!

So, I just ran (well, more like walked/jogged) my second mile... my time? 15:12:24. That is a 40.28 second improvement from Saturday! I think I should contribute a fair amount of the improvement to the fact that it is about 8-10 degrees cooler this morning than last time. And, while I definitely pushed myself (I was seriously considering just walking the last 1/4 mile, but didn't), I'm not quite as wiped out as I was last time.

I'm also proud that I went out and did it at all. I kind of killed my back last night wrestling with a dog (long story) and it still hurt quite a bit this morning. That easily could have been an excuse (besides the fact that it's hot... and it's a holiday... and everything else) to not do it... but, instead, I stretched out, warmed up, and went out and did it. Along the way, there was a group of 5 older people walking along the sidewalk... this was near the 3/4 mark where I wanted to give up.... Anyhow, part of me said "Alright! A reason that I can't run anymore! I'll just walk behind them and not disturb them." (For those of you who don't know me, I'm very much one of those people who will inconvenience myself before I bother anyone else... like always taking the aisle seat on a plane so that I don't have to ask anyone to move, even though I have to move for them... weird). Sorry for the detour. In any event, I told myself that I was just making excuses, and I started jogging and just said "excuse me" as I passed them by. Yay me. :)

So, tonight I am going to a Rockies vs Mets game with Matt and his family. His mom mentioned eating dinner at the game... which is not a good thing for me. So, I'm going to do everything I can to make sure I'm at home before the game and I can eat something before I go. I may still take a bite of whatever Matt gets, but I won't go overboard or lose sight of my next goal... 10 lbs here I come!

Tuesday, July 3, 2007

I'm Getting Married!!!!

Yup, it's official! Matt proposed to me this weekend while we were on our mini-vacation in Estes Park! It was wonderful and perfect and beautiful and SO exciting! :) We were sitting on this bench reading our books and listening to the river, when he randomly said "I have a rock in my shoe..." Well, I paid no attention and just kept reading. Eventually I looked over and he was on one knee holding the most beautiful ring in the world! It was his grandmother's ring, and it is gorgeous!

Anyhow, I know this has nothing to do with weight loss (except that now I have a deadline to lose all this weight! grr!)... but, I just had to share my good news! :) :) :) :)

Saturday, June 30, 2007

Challenge Stats

So, I'm kind of bummed about all of this drama in FAT recently... I didn't even know it existed until I read Kevin's blog. But, it sucks. Like Kevin said, the last place any of us need drama is online... so, I hope we can get past it soon.

Because of all this, I don't know the status of the challenge. But, regardless of if anyone else does it, I still am. I hope others do, too, even if it isn't as formal as it was meant to be. Rob and I have been in the same boat lately with gaining weight, so I think it would be awesome if this could kick-start our journeys again and get us on the right track. What do you say, Rob? Still in it?

In any event, here are my stats to start the month of July: Weight - 269.2 ; 1-mile Run Time - 15:53:52. Now, as much as that mile time sucks, it is better than I thought it would be. Plus, I just got home from running it, and it is about 80+ degrees out. Let me just say it kicked my a**, big time! I sure hope it gets easier! :)

Matt and I are off to Estes Park for our "romantic getaway/Matt's birthday/our 1-year anniversary" weekend. :) I'll check back with you all on Monday. Have a great weekend!

Friday, June 29, 2007

Oy Vey! (+3.8 lbs, -12 lbs overall)

I can't believe I gained almost 4 lbs in two weeks! That's ridiculous! :( I sure am glad that this Sunday is July 1st, because this challenge is going to kick my butt into gear. I've already mapped out a route in my complex that is 1-mile long, so I'm going to start working on my mile times. If I could finish the month being able to run or at least jog a full mile, I would be ecstatic!

I don't know why, but gaining the weight isn't bugging me as much as I thought. Maybe it's because I knew I wasn't 100% on track. Also, I don't think I gained as much as the scale reads. The last improptu meeting I went to was at 8:30 in the morning, and my normal meetings are at 5:30 in the afternoon. Everyone weighs less in the morning than at night, especially when you don't eat breakfast first. So, I would guess I really gained less than 2 lbs. But, it doesn't really matter. I am no where near meeting my July 14th goal, which was to have lost 26 lbs. Well, unless I lose a pound a day for the next two weeks, it isn't happening! I'm okay with it though. As long as I keep at it, I'm going to reach my goals. It may not happen in a year... maybe it will take two. But it will happen, and that's the most important thing.

**EDIT: I also updated my weight-tracker at the top. Originally I put in a weight that I would be happy at, but I've taken that down another 20lbs to a weight that I will no longer be considered "overweight", which I think is a good goal.

Friday, June 22, 2007

Excited, Stressed, Tired, Happy... the whole bit

What a week this has been! To start off, I am WAY excited about the FAT Coalition's new challenge! The goal is to lose 10lbs in the month of July... Go Team B! I think we can totally kick Team A's behind! :) So, there is where the excited part comes in.

The Stressed part comes from the up-coming job change. Work at my current company has been very slow and unstable for quite some time, and I decided to look elsewhere. This week I got an offer at another engineering firm... not any more money, but its closer to home and it's a position that I can grow a lot in. I decided to take it, and my current boss is not a happy camper. Basically, he is pissed. So, now I have 2 weeks of dealing with him. Yay. Plus, I'm sad to leave everyone I work with, and it's scary to start a new job... But, I think it is the right decision. Let's hope so anyway.

Tired... mentally, physically, emotionally... the whole shabang. Between traveling for work meetings and doing after-work activities, this week has kicked my butt. I'm am SO glad it is over!

So, despite everything, I'm happy with where I am. Matt and I are doing great... I'm taking him on a surprise getaway next weekend for his birthday and our 1-year anniversary. Then, his parents will be in town and we'll get to spend time with them which will be nice. I'm almost done with all of the projects I wanted to do around the house, which is a big relief. And, it feels good to know that I'm finally going to have a job that I'll be secure in.

Oh, and because of my crazy week, I totally spaced my WW meeting last night... Yeah, I actually forgot about it until Matt reminded me and by that time it was almost over. Great. I guess weigh-in will have to wait until next week.

I hope everyone has an awesome week! :)

Friday, June 15, 2007

265.4 (-2.4 this week, -15.8 overall)

So, even though I missed my meetings last week and this week, I decided to go to a different meeting and weigh in this morning. And, I surpassed 15 lbs! Yippee! :) I even had a horrible dinner last night (the best italian food in the world!)... I didn't eat a lot, but what I did eat was very fattening and rich! So, I'm glad I was able to lose as much as I did.

Today my mom and I are going to go swimming, and then go shopping. So, I'll get some exercise in that way. We might even go get a pedicure (never had one of those!)... It should be a fun weekend.

Anyhow, thanks for everyone's comments and support the last few weeks! You are awesome! :)

Thursday, June 14, 2007

Day ? - Blah

I'm at home at 2:30 on a Thursday, and I get Friday off, and my mom is flying in tonight... I should be in a great mood, right?!?!

I'm just kind of out of it. I've had a headache for almost a week straight now, and it's driving me crazy. It isn't horrible, but its there, and it makes feel icky. I couldn't fall asleep for the life of me last night, and now that I have a chance to take a nap, I still can't sleep. And to top it all off, I get to drive in rush-hour traffic since my mom's plane gets in at 5:15.

I am also starting to get frustrated that I haven't gone down a size in clothes. Yes, SOME things are fitting better, but I would have thought that at almost 15 lbs (hopefully 15 at tomorrow's weigh in!) I would have at least gone down one size! With my luck I'm losing the weight in my calf and my big toe.

Hopefully next blog I will be in a better mood... but I figured that with my mom coming things might get busy and I don't want to be called out by Rob to get my butt back to blogging. :)

Thursday, June 7, 2007

Day 77 - Out of Whack

Today is my weigh-in day. Am I going to be able to weigh in? No. I have a mandatory work-related meeting from 5:30-8:30 tonight. I could potentially go to a meeting tomorrow at lunch, but I will most likely either go Saturday morning or skip this week. According to my scale (which doesn't match WW's), I haven't budged this week. But, the bad news is that I won't be able to go to my meeting next week, either. My mom is flying in Thursday and her flight gets in at 5:00 (my meeting starts at 5:30) so there's no way I'll be able to make that, either. But, I'm taking next Friday off, so maybe I can make one of the morning meetings.

Anyhow, today has not been a good eating day. I'm pretty sure I'll be within my points for the day, I just haven't eaten anything really healthy. This morning I had juice and a blueberry bagel (instead of the oatmeal I was planning on), for lunch I had a ham sandwich on whole wheat bread, and we are having boxed lunches for dinner at the meeting tonight. Like I said, nothing is horrible, but I've gotten in almost no fruits/veggies today, and I just feel icky. Hopefully tomorrow will be better. I know I haven't been commenting on everyone's blogs as much as I usually do, but I'm still here and I'll get back to it soon! You all are doing awesome! Keep up the great work!

Monday, June 4, 2007

Day 74

All things considered, I had a pretty good weekend. Friday night Matt and I were supposed to go to dinner with his old Scout Master at the Cheesecake Factory. Well, it was going to be a really long wait because we had about 12 people, so we went to California Pizza Kitchen instead. I got a super-thin crust pizza and a diet coke. Much better than anything I could have gotten at the Cheesecake Factory, especially because we didn't get dessert! On Saturday we went to a BBQ at Matt's cousin's place... he was grilling brats, burgers, & chicken stuffed with bacon and cheese. All of which sounded yummy, but I brought my own marinated chicken breast instead. I did splurge a bit... I ate some 7-layer dip (OMG that stuff was good!), and I had a little piece of cheesecake for dessert. I didn't eat much during the day, though, so I was still within my points. Then on Sunday, Matt and I went out to brunch. I didn't get the healthiest thing on the menu, but I did pretty good - turkey & avocado sandwhich on sourdough, minus the cheese, and a side of frut. And for dinner I made the infamous Mexican Lasagna! Someone (whose name possibly starts with A and ends with Y) never posted the recipe, but I found a WW recipe and it was SOO yummy! Even Matt liked it! :) Anyhow, I guess the point of this blog is that while I didn't have a perfect weekend, I'm pretty proud of how I handled all of the tempting situations, especially when I think about how I would have eaten before.

Oh, and I got Matt to take "before" pictures of me... (yes, it's taken me this long to get up the courage to actually do it). And let me tell you... those pictures will not be seen for a very, very, very long time... until I've made enough progess for people to say "wow!". Looking at them really made me want to puke/cry/crawl under a rock. But, I'll never look that bad again! :)

Thursday, May 31, 2007

Day 70 - 267.8 (- 2.2 this week, down 13.4 overall)

WooHoo! I finally broke through the wall knows as 270! And I'll never see that horrible number again! :)

I think all the working out I did this week really helped... the 3+ hour hike, two walks/jogs, two 20-minute sessions of the bike, and a random workout of dancing (to So You Think You Can Dance... yeah, I'm lame) and crunches and stuff. It definitely seemed to pay off!

Getting into the 260's means I also get to decrease the number of points I'm allowed. Now I'm at 33. Still a lot, but getting better. I've been checking out the message boards on, and a number of people have suggested more snacking throughout the day. Also, if I need to eat more points, they suggest eating full-fat dairy products and not light-bread instead of the low-fat & fat-free versions. I could do that. Anyhow, I'm going to try out some new things this week and see what happens.

Yay! Thanks to everyone for their support this week! And congrats to the FAT Coalition for losing over 460 lbs!!!! WE ROCK!!! :)

Monday, May 28, 2007

Day 67 - Lacy vs. The Rock

So on Saturday, me, Beck, her sister and her friend all went to Red Rocks to go hiking. We are all excited and start out on a trail... at one point, the trail ends at some big rocks. Instead of turning around, we decide that it must mean we're supposed to climb the rocks. Yeah, smart one, eh? Well, climbing was not the hard part... it was definitely a workout, but it wasn't so scary. I really don't remember why we decided to take the path we did, but we ended up at the very top, along a vertical cliff (picture 3). Well, this put us on a ledge, that we then had to get off of in order to continue down the rocks... and, if we didn't want to slide to our deaths (or at the very least - some sort of painful injury), we had to figure out a way to get off the ledge and onto the base rock without losing our footing. Now, you're probably thinking, just step down! Which, in theory, would be great, except that both the rock we're on and the one we're going to are VERY STEEP, and gravity is working against you, big time. So the other three girls do it, and it's up to me. Yay. As I'm contemplating my only option... hugging the vertical cliff, sliding to my knees, somehow finding something to hold on to, then turning and sliding down the ledge, all without losing my footing on the loose rocks... all I can think of is that I am going to have a LOT of momentum pushing my down this rock if something goes wrong. Thankfully, Beck, Beth and Doris talked my through it and I finally got off the ledge. But then we still had to crab-walk down the rock and find the trail!

The reason I'm writing a novel on a topic that really has nothing to do with my weight-loss, is because it is sort of a metaphor for my journey. There I was, faced with something I DEFINITELY did not anticipate... I had absolutely no clue how I was going to handle the situation and come out in one piece... but I did it. I battled the rock, and I won (albeit, it did kick my ass along the way)! Sometimes I think of all the weight I need to lose, and it seems impossible... but I know it's something I can do. There will be times when I screw up and eat something bad and don't work out (or have bruises and scratches all over from the fight with the rock), but as long as I keep going, it will happen.

Two days later, I'm still ridiculously sore... my arms, shoulders and back lowered this 270lb weight down a mountain, and my legs carried me up it. I had been trying to get in an upper-body workout, but this wasn't quite what I had in mind. :)

Oh, and did I mention that after our near-death experience, we decided to climb ANOTHER rock so we could eat lunch on it? Yeah... we were really thinking on that one! While I didn't quite have the energy (after nearly 3 hours of hiking/climbing/sliding) to climb the amphitheatre stairs like Beck, I kept up with 3 girls that were half my size all day, so I'm pretty happy with myself. Despite the painful and scary journey, I'm so glad I did it! And hopefully I can say that same thing in a year or so when I've reached my weight loss goals!!! :)

Friday, May 25, 2007

Day 64 - 270.0 (-1.2 this week, -11.2 overall)

FINALLY - A loss! It's not a huge loss, but it's something, and I'll definitely take it! So, for the last 3 or 4 weeks, I've been determined to get into the '60s... and did you notice it is EXACTLY 270? Couldn't they have fudged it just a little? hehehe Oh well. I'll be there next week.

This weekend should be fun and not too difficult... hike on Saturday, my boss is having a BBQ on Sunday (I'll bring a healthy salad or something), and we are having some of Matt's friends stay with us Sunday evening. I'm sure I'll find something I want to splurge on, but I'm already planning on alotting points for whatever it is. I'm hoping everything goes well!

I hope everyone has a wonderful 3-day weekend! Be safe, eat well and have fun! :)

Wednesday, May 23, 2007

Day 62 - Ups & Downs

So, this has been a week of ups-and-downs. My mom was supposed to come visit this weekend... she and I don't have the best relationship in the world, but I was actually getting excited about showing her where I live and work and all that stuff. Well, it turns out, she got some sort of infection in her eye and her doctor won't let her travel, so she can't come. So, I was kind of bummed... Then I talked to my sister (who, during the whole 5 years I was in college never came to visit) and she said she would like to take the ticket instead and come visit. Yay! Except, the airline won't let you change the name on a ticket. Even with begging and a doctor's excuse and everything, they just won't let you. So, she isn't coming either. :( But, some good news is that Beck invited me to go on a hike this weekend at Red Rocks, so I'm super excited about that!

After my weigh-in last week, I will admit that I had a big fat cheat meal... We went to Red Lobster. I had fried shrimp, shrimp fettuccini, french fries, their amazing biscuits, AND dessert. (I didn't eat all of the dinner, though... I ate the rest of that for lunch the next day... even on my cheat meals I can't eat as much as I used to!) But, since then, I've done good all week. I still haven't gotten to the gym, but I've been doing little things like randomly getting up in the middle of the afternoon and taking the stairs to the 1st floor, back to the 3rd floor, down to the 1st, and then up to the 3rd again. I'm definitely out of breath when I'm done, but I've come pretty far in just the month or so that I've been taking the stairs... the first day, I had to stop at the 2nd floor and take a break before I could climb the rest to the 3rd floor. It's all about little improvements, right? :)

Anyhow, I'm in a much better mood today than I was last time. It has a lot to do with all of the great comments I've gotten this week... One from Rebecca, a new blog buddy, one from Rob (I was begining to think Rob just didn't find my blog interesting enough to comment on! hahaha) , one from Kristen (which made me feel A LOT better about my early plateau) and one from Suz, who is always there to support me! Thanks so much! You guys rock!

Friday, May 18, 2007

Day 57 - (+.4 this week, -10 overall)

Yeah, you read it right... gained another 0.4lbs this week. Let's just say I'm not a happy camper. I have 100+ lbs to lose... if I'm plateauing/gaining this early on, I'm screwed.

Tuesday, May 15, 2007

Day 54

Last night I had a dream that I weighed in, and had gained 5 lbs. this week. In my dream, I was understandably bummed out... I went home, and spent the whole week eating what I wanted. But, even while I was pigging out, I wasn't giving up... Somewhere in my head I knew that I just needed a break, but that I'd be back on track soon. It was a really weird combination of feelings/thoughts.

Anyhow, I'm not sure why that matters or what made me share it. It just seemed applicable in some way.

This has been an OK week so far. This weekend we were really busy... I didn't sit down much all weekend. No walks or workouts, though... I had hurt my back Thursday, and with all the painting/organizing/moving this weekend, I didn't want to push it and hurt it Really bad. It's almost 100% better today, though, so that is good. I also ate pretty well all weekend... Although trying to eat my biggest meal in the morning is tough. I'm just not that hungry... I always eat breakfast, I just can't seem to eat a huge breakfast and use up enough points. So, that isn't working as well as I'd hoped.

One of the hardest things for me has been trying to fit in workouts. It's not that I'm so unbelievably busy that I just can't fit them in my day... it's more about my priorities. Matt and I have different schedules... he stays up really late, doesn't go to work until almost 10, and doesn't get home until after 6. I go to bed around 9, get to work by 7:30 or 8:00, and am home between 4:30 and 5:30 (and I don't take a lunch break). Once dinner is cooked and the kitchen is clean, it's usually 7:30-ish. I spend some time with Matt, get my lunch ready for the next day, and then it's time to get ready for bed. I've thought about getting up earlier to workout before I leave for work, but then I'd have to go to bed even earlier, and cut into the little amount of time I have with Matt on weeknights. I don't know... re-reading this, it seems like I'm just making excuses, but I really do want to workout. There's always a way to make it work... I guess I just need to figure it out.

Thursday, May 10, 2007

Day 49 - 270.8 (+.4 this week, - 10.4 overall)

Bummer. I gained 0.4lbs. I know, it's not a lot... but I didn't lose, and that sucks. I've been talking to Matt about it, and I was begining to think I was being allowed too many points per day... it seemed like when I used all of my points (but not going over), I didn't lose. Well, tonight I talked to my meeting leader, and she seems to think I need to change up my point distribution throughout the day. I've been trying to eat a healthy breakfast (like a bowl of shredded wheat and a banana) and then a salad or Smart Ones or something light for lunch... but then by dinner, I still had 20+ points left (I'm allotted 34 per day). So, she said I should eat a big, but still healthy breakfast, then a good sized lunch, and a small dinner. Also, she wants me to get in ALL of my food groups (dairy, fruits/veggies, water, etc) and also to make sure I use ALL of my points (not less than 32). So, we'll give it a try this week and see how it goes.

I really need to "kick it up a notch" this week, and from now on. I feel like I should be losing more this early in the game, and if I want to meet my goals, I think I need to work harder. This weekend we are going to get my ID so that I can use the fitness center here, so that will be great. Plus, we are going to paint the kitchen this weekend, so I'll have some un-intentional workouts, too. If I don't break into the 260's next week, I'm going to go insane! :)

Monday, May 7, 2007

Day 46

Yay for Cinco de Mayo... Boo for the horrible food. Friday night Matt and I went out to eat at Bennigan's. I didn't do too bad... chicken sanwhich, no mayo, diet pepsi, and a few fries. Oh, and two bites of Matt's brownie dessert. Saturday I did good... I even went to Orange Julius and only got a diet pepsi, instead of the shake that I love! Saturday night I made meatloaf and mashed cauliflower (instead of potatoes), and had a WW ice cream for dessert. Not too shabby. Then came Sunday. We went to Matt's cousin's place to set up his new computer, and his girlfriend made us breakfast... huevos rancheros (her version, anyway). It was very yummy, but SO horrible for me! I ate almost all of it, too. Sad. Then, we had a Cinco de Mayo + Uno Fajitas & Margaritas party last night. So, of course, we had the fajitas, spanish rice, plus all of the accompaniments (sour cream, guacamole, cheese, etc)... and then there was dessert, too. I guess looking back I really didn't do all that bad last night... not as bad as I typically would have done... but still not good. So, today I had a banana & oatmeal for breakfast, I'll have a salad for lunch, and something pretty healthy for dinner. And, Matt said he'd go for a walk with me tonight, so that will be good. For some reason the weekends seem to be so much harder than the rest of the week... But, I'm determined to get under 270 this week! I have 4 days to make up for the weekend (well, mostly for Sunday)! Wish me luck! :)

Oh, PS... I noticed that my days (the number in my titles) was off... Yeah, the engineer can count - good job Lacy! Anyhow, it is fixed... so instead of being on day 32, I'm on 46! Silly me.

Thursday, May 3, 2007

Day 42 - 270.4!!! (-2.8 this week, -10.8 total)!!!

So, even with the weekend slip-ups and a McDonald's milkshake yesterday, I made my 10lb goal and am only 0.4lbs from my goal of 270! Not too shabby! I was pretty happy when I saw my number for the week. I guess my walking/jogging and the soup thing really kicked in this week! So, my next set goal is 255 by July 14, which I definitely think is doable. But, my short-term goal is to get into the 260's by next week. Also a very reachable goal.

Anyhow, its just about my bedtime. I just wanted to give you all an update so you didn't think I disappeared on ya :) Thanks for everyone's support this week... you guys rock! :)

Monday, April 30, 2007

Day 39

This weekend was great and horrible at the same time... Matt took me to Glenwood Springs, where they have the biggest hot springs in the country or the world or something. Very cool. We played miniature golf and Matt won by two strokes. (even though I definitely should have won... he cheated!) :) Then we had dinner, got massages, and relaxed in the hot springs. Such a nice, relaxing weekend! However, it was really difficult to get out of the "this is my vacation" mentality with regards to food. "I can have a pop, just this once, because I'm on vacation"... "I can have a cheeseburger & fries, just this once, because I'm on vacation"... "I can have dessert, just this once, because I'm on vacation"... etc, etc, etc. You get the idea. But, as bad as it sounds, I really don't think I did as bad as I could have. I didn't eat the best of meals, but I only ate meals... I didn't binge and snack and get so full I thought I was going to explode. So, it could have been a lot worse.

Last night I tried Suz's veggie soup idea. I made a huge pot of vegetable soup (onions, carrots, celery, potatoes, zucchini, yellow squash, canned tomatoes, and tons of fresh herbs). I had a bowl of that with dinner, and it definitely did the trick! It was so yummy (the first time I've ever made soup) and Matt actually ate a whole bowl (he is the most anti-vegetable person I know!). Plus, it definitely helped fill me up so I didn't need as much of everything else. Thanks for the tip, Suz!

So, despite my bad weekend dining and the not-so-fun weigh in last week, I'm looking forward to this week. I'm definitely going to get some extra exercise in, somehow. And I'll definitely be eating very clean and healthy. I'm hoping for my 10lb mark this week!

Thursday, April 26, 2007

Day 35 - 273.2 (+.6 this week, -8 total)

So, I actually gained .6 lbs this week. :( I am NOT happy. First of all, I didn't even get to go to my meeting, which makes me mad. I've been trying to sell my computer, and someone finally was interested. I told them I'd be around between 4:30 and 5:15, and that I had a meeting at 5:30. So, he shows up at 5:20, talk on the phone for 5 minutes, then starts picking out bad points of the computer (dude, do you want it or not?!?!?!).... I was asking $220, and he started haggling. I was so flustered at this point that I gave in and sold it for $165. So, I leave my place, head to the meeting (knowing all I could do is weigh in, not attend the meeting since it was practically over), and then I get THAT news! UGH! I ate a few bad meals, but I didn't go crazy... I guess I kinda figured I wouldn't lose a lot, but I thought I would lose SOMETHING, or at least not gain. I'm bummed. I'm not going to let it get me too down. I'm not going to jump off the wagon or anything. I just had a healthy dinner... subway sandwhich with turkey, no cheese a tiny bit of mayo, and lots of veggies. I'll have some fruit or something in a bit. Maybe I'll even go for a walk tonight, assuming the rain stays away. And, tomorrow is a whole new day, right? :)

Tuesday, April 24, 2007

Day 33

Sunday and Monday nights were not great meal-nights... I already talked about Sunday, and then last night I had calamari and spinach pasta... which, wouldn't be too bad, except I ate A LOT of calamari. So, to make up for it, I'm eating just fruits and vegetables today, with the exception of a mini-bagel for breakfast and a few cubes of low-fat cheese with lunch. But, man, am I hungry. Today has been yet another crazy day... deadline deadline deadline. I also went spray-on-tanning at lunch in preperation for our trip this weekend. I'm defintely darker, but I smell like fake-tanning lotion, and its driving me nuts.

I'm not sure what I'm going to do for dinner, which is usually a bad thing because I'll make an impulsice decision. Especially since I can already tell I am going to be absolutely ravenous by dinner. I'm definitely not going to stop by McDonalds or anything, but I may cook something thats quick and easy as opposed to super healthy. Who knows. We may even go out for dinner.

Anyhow, even though I haven't been perfect lately, I'm still striving for my goal of 270 by Thursday. It would be doable on a good week, but who knows with this week. I'll be happy if I at least hit the 10-lb mark (271.2). We shall see!

Monday, April 23, 2007

Day 32

Man, I am horrible at writing on the weekends. This weekend was especially bad because I was so busy. I have ONE MORE LOAD to take over to Matt's and then everything will be moved! YAY! Well, there is some more stuff, like a computer, microwave, random stuff... that I'm trying to sell. Therefore, I'm going to leave it there until I sell it instead of moving it for no reason. :)

Yesterday was a VERY stressful day. I had to work all morning, then head over to my apartment to meet a lady who was buying my entertainment center. Then I went back to work, and worked while I waited for my boss to come. He was going to help me move my couch and table in a bigger truck. Well, we get all the way down to my place in the truck, and he doesn't have the right key to open the back cover and remove it. So, that was a wasted effort. So, between Matt and I, we tried to fit my couch and table in our vehicles. We barely squeezed the couch in my truck, and in the process of putting the slate table top in Matt's car, the interior got a scratch on it. And let's just say he wasn't happy. Well, I wasn't in a good mood to begin with, and that didn't make it any better, so I closed my truck and stormed off back to our house. (Sorry Matt!) That frustration/annoyance/stress carried through the afternoon, and I just wanted to eat something REALLY REALL BAD. I ended up not going too crazy, but I didn't eat as healthy as I'd hoped. We had chicken burritos and salad. (regular tortillas, fat free beans, low fat cheese, low fat sour cream, and spanish rice... not too terrible). Then we shared a yummy (but horrible) dessert. What a day. All I can say is that I am MAJORLY looking forward to our weekend getaway this weekend!

Again, I didn't get any regular workouts in. But, there was lots of stairs and walking this weekend, so I think I'm okay. I need to find something else I can do besides the bike, because until my feet start cooperating, it is just no fun.

Thursday, April 19, 2007

Day 28 - 272.6 (-2.8 this week, -8.6 total)!!!

Yippeee! I lost another 2.8 lbs this week. Overall, I'm down 8.6 lbs in three weeks. Not too bad at all. I'm determined to hit the 10-lb mark by next week. I'd really like to hit my goal of 270 then, but I'd be happy with 10.

So, I'm ALMOST finished moving. I basically have my office furniture, my bed, my couch, a TV, and few random boxes to move. I've cleaned the kitchen and both bathrooms, so all that's left is to vacuum and spot-bot any stains, and I'm good to go. yay! :) Then, next weekend, Matt is taking me on a surprise trip. I have no idea where we're going or what we're doing, but I'm excited! Well, except for the "bring your bathing suit" part of it. That should be interesting. I need to remember to go spray-on-tanning next week before hand... that way I won't blind anyone. :)

Thanks again to everyone for their support and comments this week! Much Appreciated!!!! :)

Tuesday, April 17, 2007

Day 19

I'm becoming quite annoyed with restaurants. Last night I went out to dinner at TGI Fridays. I got a smaller-portion of a cedar salmon salad that was very, very yummy. However, I cannot find any nutritional information for it anywhere. The reason I'm so intent on finding it is because I want to know if it's really good for you or not. I got a salad at Chili's a few weeks ago, with what I thought was their best-choce dressing (a citrus vinegarette)... turns out the salad had over 40 grams of fat!!!! I think it should be outlawed for any salad served at a restaurant to have more fat in it than you should have in an entire day! The reason I ordered a salad is because I was looking at their "healthy" menu, and it said those menu items all had approx. 10 grams of fat and 500 calories! FIVE HUNDRED CALORIES! (for like 4 pieces of shrimp and some broccoli, none the less) Well, frankly, none of them looked that appetizing for the number of calories I'd be spending, so I got a yummy salad instead. I will be very upset if I find it is horrible for you!

Okay, enough of my rant. :) This weekend I got two workouts in... basically just the stationary bike, plus some leg-lifts and sit ups, and an emerassing attempt at push ups. For some reason the arches of my feet kill when I'm doing the bike... I don't stop because I'm tired or my legs hurt, but because my feet are killing me. I tried it both with and without shoes on, and the same thing happens. It is driving me crazy! If the weather would start behaving, I'd go for walks more. I think tomorrow it is finally going to clear up, so I'll probably do that. Plus, I'm STILL moving... we're hoping to have everything moved this weekend. I've pretty much gotten everything in boxes, and everything out of the kitchen, bathrooms and closet. So, I'll be getting more exercise that way, too. I've also started taking the stairs at work... I usually park on the 5th floor of the garage, so I go down the stairs, and up and down the stairs to the office (3rd floor). I'm not to the point I can go up to the 5th floor, but I'll get there eventually!

I'm hoping this week's weigh-in will be good. I've checked my weight twice this week, and it fluctuates so much I can't go off of any of it. Saturday night I was at 272.3, yesterday I was at 274.4. Who knows. I think it's just best to wait until Thursday. :)

Thursday, April 12, 2007

Day 14 - 275.4 (-1.2lbs this week, -5.8 total)!!

Woohoo! Down another 1.2lbs! Not a whole lot, and not as much as I'd like, but it's still a loss and I'll definitely take it! Almost 6 pounds in two weeks... not too shabby! This week I'll definitely kick up the work-outs, and hopefully next week I'll have a better loss.

Thanks you all for the support this week! You have no idea how much I appreciate it! :)

Day 14

Today is weigh-in day... we will see how it goes. Part of me is pessemistic about the outcome because I haven't noticed any other changes this week (ie: clothes fitting better) and I also haven't gotten in any structured work-outs. But, the other part of my is optimistic because I've stuck to my points allotments and have been very active.

I was going to workout last night... but man, what a day it was! I took off of work at 2:00 (I was at a standstill on a project, so instead of burning up the budget, I took a few hours of vacation to do errands)... I went to WalMart to return some stuff and also buy more painting supplies. Then I got gas, and headed home to paint a second-coat on two of the walls. Then I headed back to my apartment (I'm in the middle of moving, so I have two 'homes') and packed up about 4 boxes of stuff. I stoped by Walgreens to get a prescription, stopped by subway to grab dinner, then headed home to unpack. Not only did I unpack everything, do a load of laundry, and re-arrange the fridge/freezer, I also painted another wall and vacuumed. Phew! I absolutely collapsed at 9:00 and slept like a rock... but, needless to say, a work-out simply did not fit in!

Anyways, I'll stop rambling... the point is, I'm unsure about the weigh in tonight. Hopefully tomorrow (or maybe tonight) I will bring good news! (I have a sudden urge to run around the office 5 or 6 times just to ensure I lose SOMETHING tonight! hehehe But, I won't... I'd look pretty silly!) :)

Tuesday, April 10, 2007

Day 12

Wow, already Day 12! In the whole scheme of things, it's not very long at all, but it seems like I just started this yesterday! Not sure if that's a good or bad thing... hmm. :)

Easter weekend went well... I stuck to my cooking plan, and we had a very healthy dinner. But, as expected, Monday was the worst. I walked into the kitchen at work, and the tables were covered with cookies, candy, cheesecakes, danishes, etc... Basically, anyone who had leftovers from Easter and didn't want it at their house, brought it to work for everyone else to eat! I walked by the table about 4 times throughout the day without eating any of it... but, after lunch, I gave in and ate a couple pieces of chocolate. Not as bad as it could have been, but definitely not good, either!

I still haven't had a real work-out as of yet. My back was feeling better on Friday, and I thought I'd get a work-out in, but instead we moved Doug, which turned out to be a major workout in itself! Then Saturday we moved some more, and Sunday we started painting the extra bedroom. And yesterday, all of those stairs finally hit me and my legs and shoulders killed all day. Today we are going to finish painting... so, maybe tomorrow I will get a real, structured work-out in. I don't feel too bad about not doing it thus far, because I've definitely been getting my exercise... I just need to get into a routine.

I also find that getting my water in is a lot harder on the weekends. At work, I keep a bottle (or 6) at my desk, and mindlessly drink it throughout the day. But, on weekends, we tend to eat out a lot, where I always get a diet coke, and the rest of the time we're mostly home, when I also drink diet coke or tea or juice. I think getting a workout routine going on the weekends will also help me drink more water (that's about the only time I actually crave water)... We'll test it out this weekend and see how it goes.

Two more days until my next weigh-in! I'll definitely have to buckle-down on the excess office food and get in some extra exercise in the next few days! I'm hoping to see some inches lost this next week as well as pounds... My clothes don't seem to be fitting any loser, which is what I'd really like... We shall see!

Saturday, April 7, 2007

Day 9

This has been a busy weekend, and it's only Saturday afternoon! Matt and I are moving his brother, Doug, out and into his new place. I didn't think it would be that bad, since he only has one bedroom here and doesn't seem to have a whole lot of stuff. Well, it wasn't the ammount of stuff that was bad, it was the amount of stairs! Matt lives in a two-story townhouse with a garage in the basement... so, we had to pack everything down two flights of stairs into the cars. And, at Doug's new place, he lives on the second floor, so everything had to go up another flight of stairs. It was definitely a workout! I don't think I've climbed that many stairs in the last 6 months combined, especially not lugging boxes!

Anyhow, I'm excited about this weekend. I just bought some yummy (and healthy!) stuff for Easter dinner. Ham, potatoes, salad, green beans and corn. I haven't figured out dessert yet, but I'm sure I can find something tasty and healthy. I'm definitely not going to let traditional holiday food keep me from losing this week!

I hope everyone has a great Easter sunday!!

Thursday, April 5, 2007

Day 7 - 276.6 (-4.6 this week)!!!

Yay! I'm down 4.6 lbs from last week! I am SO excited! Now, I must make a confession... last week I was wearing lace-up boots because it was snowing, and I didn't take them off for weigh-in... So, I probably didn't lose a whole 4.6 lbs. But, I just tried to weigh them, and they wouldn't register on my scale... however, I have 3lb weights, and they are MUCH lighter than one of those.. so, my guess is they are about 1.5lbs. That still means I lost 3.1 lbs! Yippee! And, that's without exercising all week due to my back... douple yipee! :)

This will definitely keep my motivation up for this week. At the meeting tonight I also bought a comfort-foods cookbook, which has some really yummy looking recipes that I'm excited to make.

Tonight the meeting was all about meeting the challenges of the holiday weekend... I realized that its a good thing and a bad thing that I don't have any family here in Denver. Obviously, it sucks that I don't have anyone here to celebrate holidays with (aside from Matt). I definitely miss the family gatherings and such. But, on the other hand, there won't be any pressure or temptations this weekend to eat that horrible food. For one, Matt is Jewish, so he could care less if we have Easter dinner. Secondly, even if I do cook a nice dinner, I can make it healthy with none of those deal-breaking foods.

Well, its off to dinner... Thank you all for your support this week! You've been awesome!

Wednesday, April 4, 2007

Day 6

Well, my back is finally feeling better... it's still sore, and I definitely won't be doing jumping jacks anytime soon, but I think I can get a mild workout in tonight, which will be great since I haven't worked out since Saturday! Yikes!

Today I'm really making an effort to get my water in. I buy those large 24 oz bottles of water, and I try to down one just on my drive to work... today I actually did it... now I'm half-way through my second bottle.

My official weigh-in will be tomorrow night, but today I have to go to the doctor and get weighed. I'm not going to put too much thought into todays weight, because it is a completely different scale, but it will be interesting to see if there is a difference between today and my last visit.

I've discovered that I actually need to make an effort to use up all of my daily weight watchers points. I'm definitely more conscious of how much I'm eating, but I think just making the switch to healthier foods throughout the day (like avoiding the candy bowl and soda fridge) is making a huge difference. It's day 6 and I've only used up 5 of my extra 35 weekly points... and the great part is, I have no desire to splurge tonight to use them up! :)

I really hope tomorrow's weigh in goes well... I'm really motivated right now, and a no-change or gain reading would hit me pretty hard. Not that I would just give up... it would just make next week so much easier if I had a loss this week! We will see!

Monday, April 2, 2007

Day 4

So, I've encountered my first setback thus far... on Saturday I majorly tweaked my back. It was so bad that even breathing deeply made me curse at the pain. Luckily it is getting a little better each day, but it completely abolished my exercise goals for the week.

Last night I celebrated Pesach (passover) a day early with Matt and his family. It was fun. I felt a little out-of-place at times, but there were a few other non-Jewish people there, so that helped. There was also lots of really yummy food. I think I did pretty well, all things considered. I hadn't eaten very much earlier in the day due to the pain and inability to move, so I splurged on a couple chocolate covered strawberries and a few bites of ice cream.

Anyhow, today should be a little better, although there still won't be any exercising... it took everything I had just to get in and out of my truck to get to work this morning. I'm hoping to bribe one of my coworkers to get me subway for lunch so I don't have to drive myself... I'm sure I can find someone to do it! :)

So, depsite the bad back, things are going well, and I'm still very motivated and determined to stay on track this week and have a good weigh-in on Thursday.

Saturday, March 31, 2007

Day 2

It's a gorgeous Saturday morning and things are super. I'm in the process of moving in with my boyfriend (just starting, actually) so I have plenty of reasons to keep moving - ie: packing/unpacking boxes. This morning I got up, packed a few boxes, and then headed over to Matt's to unpack them. Previously, I would have counted that as my workout... but, I put in 20 minutes on the bike and feel great about it! It's been a while since I've done any dedicated exercise, so the 20 minutes was a stretch... but I'm glad I could do that much. When I started, I thought I was going to die after 3 minutes... but then I set the goal of 100 calories. When I was getting close to that at only 12 minutes, I decided to change my goal to 20 minutes. And it worked! It was much more rewarding than I anticpated.

Last night Matt and I and some friends of ours went to TGIFridays... they've been advertising the smaller portions for less money (score for me!) so I ordered one of those. I was trying to be very conscious of when I was actually full, and surprised myself when I only ate about 2/3 of it. I used to be able to eat all of the full-sized portions. Yeah, something is definitely changing.

Today should be a good day... I have a great, healthy meal planned for dinner that even Matt is excited about (Matt being the pickiest eater on the planet!), and we have lots of shopping/errands to get done today, which means extra exercise!

I've decided not to weigh myself every single day. I did that previously and it only motivates me when the number is smaller, not when it's the same or higher. So, I think I'll just stick to the once-a-week weigh ins at weight watchers and see how that goes.

And a big thanks to those of you leaving me comments and reading my blog! I'm already seeing how much that extra support is helping!

Friday, March 30, 2007

Day 1 - 281.2

So, my first weight-watchers meeting was great, aside from the fact that I weighed in at 281.2 lbs. But, as one of the other members said, that was the last time I'll ever have to see that number, which is a great feeling.

The key thing I took from the meeting was a phrase someone brought up - Progress, not perfection. It sounds so simple, but it was really profound for me. I was always the perfectionist - if I screwed up and ate a cookie, well, my diet was over. It was either perfection or failure, with no middle-ground. And last night I realized how ridiculous that is. No one is perfect, and having that mind-set only sets you up for failure. I feel so much more motivated and empowered with those words in the back of my mind. Yes, I ate a mini-candy today... but that's okay. I accounted for it, I'm still within my points for the day, and it's not the end of the world.

I know it's just the begining, and everyone always has so much motivation and energy at the start of a "diet" or workout plan... but this time just feels different. I have the "I can" attitude as opposed to the "this is so overwhelming and impossible" attitude. I'm actually excited to eat right and exercise this weekend - and that is definitely a first for me!!!

-A funny side note: Last night I wouldn't let my boyfriend Matt see my weight-watchers card with my current weight in it.... yet, I sent him the link to this blog, which clearly displays my weight! Yeah, I was thinking on that one! hahaha

Thursday, March 29, 2007

Day 0

So, after almost 6 years of continually gaining weight, I am ready to make a dedicated effort to force that trend in the opposite direction. I'm planning to use this blog to track my progress... In addition, I hope that any readers out there will help keep me accountable and maybe even give me some added support throughout my journey.

Let's start with a little background... Since about the age of 9, I've been overweight. My senior year of high school, I weighed 220 lbs. In January of 2001, my dental hygenist talked me into attending a group meeting, compulsive-eaters anonymous (CEA-HOW). It was just like AA, we even read from the AA book... we had a sponsor, and called them everyday. Meals were planned ahead of time, all food was weighed and measured, and no snacks between meals were allowed - ever. As far as weight loss, it worked - I lost 25lbs in two months. As far as a rest-of-my-life program, it failed miserably. By Christmas of '01, I'd gained it all back... and kept gaining. At this point, I'm at nearly 280 (I'll have an exact number tomorrow).

Five years of college and being 1,000 miles from home helped me gain about 80 lbs. I feel the physical urge to puke every time I look in the mirror naked, or even half-naked at this point. It's come to the point where I simply cannot continue living this way.

My weight is the only negative thing in my life. I'm proud of myself in every other aspect... Tell me I'm stupid, and I'll laugh at you because I KNOW I'm intelligent... Tell me I'm mean, and I'll disregard you because I KNOW I'm a good person who cares deeply about others... Tell me I'm not hardworking and I'll recap my life accomplishments for you because I KNOW that I've worked harder than anyone I know to get where I am... But, tell me I'm fat, tell me I'm unattractive, and I'll cry... because I know you'd be telling the truth.

About 9 months ago, I met Matt, the man of my dreams... He not only changed my outlook on men, but my outlook on life and what I want my future to be. He loves me and supports me in everything I do. And it breaks my heart that he has to introduce me, the blob, to his friends and family as his girlfriend. I know he loves me regardless, but he deserves better... he deserves to be able to walk into a room and be proud that I'm standing next to him, just like I am of him. And I am determined to give him that.

For me, for Matt, for our future, for my family... I need to change. And I will change. Starting Now.

Tonight I'm going to my first weight-watchers meeting. Tomorrow will be a brand new day, full of hope and goals and plans. I know the journey will be a rough one, but I am confident that I'll have the strength and determination to reach my goals and finally be jiggle-free!!!