My Current Weight Loss

Sunday, October 21, 2007

A Snowy Sunday

That's right - it's October and it snowed about 4+ inches here today. Yesterday it was 78 and sunny. Where in the world does it drop over 40 degrees in one day?! Oh, yeah... Denver. At least it is starting to melt already and it looks like it will be a pretty nice week. I am so not ready for winter.

Matt left today on a trek to Kansas City, MO. He found a car he wants out there so he left for the 9 hour drive this afternoon. I'm always wishing I had more free time to do some fun stuff, but I've had all day to myself and I couldn't think of anything I wanted to do. Since our house is on the market, the place is spotless so there was nothing to clean. For the first time in forever my hamper is completely empty and every piece of laundry is washed. It is icky outside so I didn't want to go anywhere. Basically, I was bored. I did just make a pot of homemade chicken noodle soup which was pretty yummy, so I was somewhat productive. Long story short, I wish he was here. :)

So, my weight loss as been disgraceful lately. I haven't been to a weight watchers meeting in a month and a half. That is mostly due to the fact that almost all of my work deadlines are on Fridays, and I'm always working late on Thursdays when my meetings are. I should just go to a new meeting, but I really like the leader at my current meetings. I am determined to go this week, though. I am quite upset with myself and the fact that I've lost a whopping 3 pounds in 3 months. I've lost that in a week before. There is really no excuse for it. I have been eating pretty well, I just haven't been exercising, and I know I have to. I'm not really sure how to start, but I really need to fit it into my daily routine.

Along those lines, I haven't changed my goals on the right side-bar since I started this whole thing. The main reason is that if I do, I'm admitting that I failed - miserably. It's October 21 and I haven't even met the goal I set for July. How lame is that. I look at pictures of myself and am utterly disgusted, but for some reason I can't translate that into daily motivation. It is really driving me crazy.

Another thing that has been bugging me lately is that my sister has lost a lot of weight. She came out last weekend to visit and do wedding stuff, and she looks really good. I'm not upset that she is losing weight and I'm not... it isn't that at all. What bugs me is that she is taking some sort of pill to help her do it. It's really expensive and not a prescription. My mom keeps calling and saying how proud she is of my sister and how great she looks now. I try to explain to her that I wish she was doing it another way, because it's unhealthy and when she was younger she abused diet pills. My mom responds with "Well, I guess she just really wanted the weight off... its a lot easier to just maintain being thin than actually getting there." OMG! Does that mean that because I'm not risking getting addicted to some pill that I don't want to lose weight? Grrr. It just makes me mad for some reason and I can't really explain it.

Okay, enough ranting. I didn't think I really had anything to say, but I guess I did. :) I hope everyone has a great week! Oh, and GO BRONCOS!


Rob Tucker said...

I'm proud of you for realizing what's healthy and what's just stupid. Using pills to get healthy - what are you sacrificing in order to acheive?

You're doing it the right way. It's not supposed to be easy. Somehow, you need to translate your energy into motivation - if it was something I could do, I'd give you hints :)

Oh, and change your goals. If you missed a goal, so what? If setting goals helps you achieve, just forget about the past. If I kept every once of my 'failed' goals up there, I'd need to create a second blog just to fit them all. Don't look back - only forward!

Anonymous said...

That was a good game, wasn't it?? Elam to the rescue!

There were a couple things I wanted to touch on. First, I think you're right on with your opinion of diet pills. Not only is it the easy way out, it's completely unhealthy. Be proud that you're doing this the right way - even though it IS the slower path.

And second, you're not a failure. The fact that you blogged yesterday is proof that you're not failing. Failing is falling off the wagon and not even trying to get back up. A lot of us (if not all) have had these stretches where we go a month, two months, three months without losing any significant weight. I've had months where I've maintained - or even gained - and it's frustrating as hell. That doesn't make any of us a failure, though.

This is a transformation. It's going to be a slow, frustrating and hard process. However, the results of our hard work are well worth it. Back to your sister, grin and bear it now. But when you've reached your goal the right way, and your sister is either addicted to diet pills or back to her starting weight, that will do all the talking!

Hang in there, Lacy. Focus on your short-term goals and you'll hit your ultimate goal.

Rebecca said...

First of all, I am GLAD I don't live in Denver! Second, it's time to just dust yourself off and move forward. You've been slacking for the past 3 months, it's done - change your goals (make new ones) and start over. It's cool - at least you are starting over, instead of just staying in the same place.

Not to rain on your parade, but even without exercise, if you are watching what you eat carefully, and eating at a deficit, you'll lose weight anyway. So you may want to reassess your eating over the past few months.

That having been said, you've got a lot going on. I am confident that once you really decide to refocus on your weight loss, you'll knock it out of the park. You can do it!

Jim McCoy said...

Beating yourself up over missed goals is pointless, but not setting new ones is worse. You can do this, you just have to work at it, and having goals gives you a reason to work. Post some new ones.

Anonymous said...

How's it going over there, Lace? How are the wedding plans coming along? How 'bout them Broncos?? :)