My Current Weight Loss

Saturday, June 30, 2007

Challenge Stats

So, I'm kind of bummed about all of this drama in FAT recently... I didn't even know it existed until I read Kevin's blog. But, it sucks. Like Kevin said, the last place any of us need drama is online... so, I hope we can get past it soon.

Because of all this, I don't know the status of the challenge. But, regardless of if anyone else does it, I still am. I hope others do, too, even if it isn't as formal as it was meant to be. Rob and I have been in the same boat lately with gaining weight, so I think it would be awesome if this could kick-start our journeys again and get us on the right track. What do you say, Rob? Still in it?

In any event, here are my stats to start the month of July: Weight - 269.2 ; 1-mile Run Time - 15:53:52. Now, as much as that mile time sucks, it is better than I thought it would be. Plus, I just got home from running it, and it is about 80+ degrees out. Let me just say it kicked my a**, big time! I sure hope it gets easier! :)

Matt and I are off to Estes Park for our "romantic getaway/Matt's birthday/our 1-year anniversary" weekend. :) I'll check back with you all on Monday. Have a great weekend!


Anonymous said...

That was going to be your worst run ever. It gets much better...gradually...but it happens. :)

Enjoy your weekend! You guys have fun!! :)

Rob Tucker said...

Of course I'm still in it - full steam ahead!

The way I see it, the July challenge is on starting tomorrow. In terms of the teams, who's in, who's out - it doesn't really matter. Let's just all work hard and we'll sort all the other stuff out.

I see this being a great month for both of us.. let's get 'er done.