My Current Weight Loss

Thursday, May 10, 2007

Day 49 - 270.8 (+.4 this week, - 10.4 overall)

Bummer. I gained 0.4lbs. I know, it's not a lot... but I didn't lose, and that sucks. I've been talking to Matt about it, and I was begining to think I was being allowed too many points per day... it seemed like when I used all of my points (but not going over), I didn't lose. Well, tonight I talked to my meeting leader, and she seems to think I need to change up my point distribution throughout the day. I've been trying to eat a healthy breakfast (like a bowl of shredded wheat and a banana) and then a salad or Smart Ones or something light for lunch... but then by dinner, I still had 20+ points left (I'm allotted 34 per day). So, she said I should eat a big, but still healthy breakfast, then a good sized lunch, and a small dinner. Also, she wants me to get in ALL of my food groups (dairy, fruits/veggies, water, etc) and also to make sure I use ALL of my points (not less than 32). So, we'll give it a try this week and see how it goes.

I really need to "kick it up a notch" this week, and from now on. I feel like I should be losing more this early in the game, and if I want to meet my goals, I think I need to work harder. This weekend we are going to get my ID so that I can use the fitness center here, so that will be great. Plus, we are going to paint the kitchen this weekend, so I'll have some un-intentional workouts, too. If I don't break into the 260's next week, I'm going to go insane! :)


Suz said...

How frustrating for you. I always look in on Friday morning to see how you did at WW on Thurs. night.

I think your plan to eat bigger early in the day and lighter at night is great. Do your soup at night for sure and it will help keep you full. I love that soup! It gets your veggies in, low cal and filling!

You'll see the 60's next week, I know!

Anonymous said...

Yeah, tapering your meals off throughout the day is a good idea. Since you slow down toward the end of the day, it makes sense to eat lighter then. Also, using your points for the fruit/veggie daily servings is a good approach. Although you might not go over on points, you could be using those points on empty calories. Fruits and veggies are a great source of fiber...which is essential for a good diet. ;)

Good luck with breaking the 260's! Those plateaus suck, but you'll break through it eventually. Keep up the good work.