My Current Weight Loss

Monday, April 2, 2007

Day 4

So, I've encountered my first setback thus far... on Saturday I majorly tweaked my back. It was so bad that even breathing deeply made me curse at the pain. Luckily it is getting a little better each day, but it completely abolished my exercise goals for the week.

Last night I celebrated Pesach (passover) a day early with Matt and his family. It was fun. I felt a little out-of-place at times, but there were a few other non-Jewish people there, so that helped. There was also lots of really yummy food. I think I did pretty well, all things considered. I hadn't eaten very much earlier in the day due to the pain and inability to move, so I splurged on a couple chocolate covered strawberries and a few bites of ice cream.

Anyhow, today should be a little better, although there still won't be any exercising... it took everything I had just to get in and out of my truck to get to work this morning. I'm hoping to bribe one of my coworkers to get me subway for lunch so I don't have to drive myself... I'm sure I can find someone to do it! :)

So, depsite the bad back, things are going well, and I'm still very motivated and determined to stay on track this week and have a good weigh-in on Thursday.


Anonymous said...

Hey, I'm just curious, are you counting calories? Or are you doing points with WW?

Great job on not overdoing it at the get-together. It's tough to "be good" in those kinds of environments.

Also, I hope your back gets better soon. Injuries are never good! Just watch your diet like a hawk and you'll still lose weight even though you can't exercise. ;)

Anonymous said...

My only suggestion on calorie (or point)-counting is to make sure you're staying under your max, but eating enough! With dieting, people make you think you need to to starve yourself to lose weight, but the truth is, if you don't eat enough, your metabolism slows way down to conserve calories. From everything I've heard, it sounds like the point system is the simplified version of counting calories. It's much easier to keep track of single-digit numbers instead of two and three-digit numbers. Anyway, if you decide to count calories, find out what your BMR (basal metabolic rate - the rate at which your body burns calories by just being alive) is and aim for 500-1,000 calories less than that to lose 1-2 pounds (respectively) per week. It doesn't sound like a lot, but don't let that discourage you. You'll be down 10, 20, 50 pounds in no time! :)

Suz said...

Hey Lacy, it's good to get to know you and to be "in this" with you. I look forward to following along with your journey to jiggle-free-ness!!!