My Current Weight Loss

Monday, December 10, 2007

Yes, it really is me... and I'm actually blogging!

Hello all... (or, the two of you who will read this, since you've all given up on my writing another blog before the next millenium!) Sorry I've been away for so long! The time just seems to get away from me... I was shocked to see it had been almost 2 months since my last blog.... I thought it was maybe two weeks! Silly me.

Nothing much has changed on my end. Still wedding planning, still trying to sell/buy a house, still working... SOSDD, as my dad would say. And, my weight hasn't changed, either. Yeah, I'm annoyed with myself... actually, pissed off at myself... for wasting the last few months instead of losing weight. But, a teenie tiny part is just glad that I haven't gained any weight, either. The Holidays suck, as everyone knows. This weekend I spent hours and hours and hours baking cookies and brownies to give away as Hanukkah presents. Well, you can't bake cookies without taking a few bites of cookie dough... and then you have to taste the finished cookies to make sure they taste good... and then you have to taste one once you've finished frosting/decorating them. Yeah, it was one of those weekends.

Oh, and FYI, I greatly dislike snow! I don't know why I moved to Denver of all places! I can't wait to go home to California for Christmas and feel some nice, warm sunshine! Who needs a white Christmas... NOT ME!

Anyhow, it is past my bed time so I'm going to wrap this up. Again, sorry for being MIA for too long. Hopefully this weekend I will have a chance to catch up on some of your blogs and maybe even write another of my own! *gasp* Yes, it just might happen... prepare yourself. :)


Rob Tucker said...

Glad to see you haven't forgotten about us :) I was glad to see you post a comment in my blog, thanks for that :)

Do what you've got to do, but be honest with yourself. Are you ok with just 'maintaining'? If you are, then I can't shame you for that - but just don't allow "it's the holidays" to become an excuse for you to get where you want to get. I'd hate to see you get to your wedding day and have ANY regrets.

Hope to hear from you soon :)

Ripx180 said...

Glad you are still alive and kicking. I was wondering if you would ever come back, almost dropped you off my sidebar. When you are ready to loose weight you will. Just got to put it at the top of your priority list. We hardly ever get white xmas's out here in portland OR, send one our way.

Anonymous said...

Good to see ya back, Lacy! The holidays totally suck in terms of food. I get the baking thing. That goes for peppermint bark and toffee bark, too. Grr.

Anyway, glad to see you back. Post more often!!!! :)

Rebecca said...

Hey Lacy - good to see you! Not losing weight is annoying, but gaining it is worse, so at least you're the same. Sometimes I think being realistic means adjusting goals, and a good goal for this season is to not gain weight, which is a challenge. Enjoy the rest of your holidays!

Marcol said...

Glad to hear all is well in your piece of the world. Being able to say you havent gained in the past few months is still a feat within itself. Some folks who've been actively trying to lose weight havent lost any or maintained. Youre one step ahead :)

Season's Greetings

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