My Current Weight Loss

Wednesday, August 29, 2007

Keep On Keepin' On...

Yes, it has been over 2 weeks since I've last blogged. Maybe that makes me a bad person, maybe it doesn't. Maybe it means that I'm not as dedicated as some other people, maybe it doesn't. But, I can assure you that I haven't been sitting in a closet stuffing my face with doughnuts, as someone not-so-kindly implied the last time I went MIA for while. I'm staying on plan and losing weight at the snails-pace I've become used to. The main reason I don't blog often? Basically, I have nothing to say. I'm not reaching the top of any mountains, so I can't yell at the world and have them applaud my accomplishment... But I'm also not falling off of any cliffs into a vat of cheeseburgers and chocolate cake, so I don't need to call for help. I'm just living my life, and my life is not that exciting. We're planning a wedding. We're house shopping. We're used-car shopping. I work, I run errands, I cook dinner, I spend time with my fiance, and I sleep. Lather, Rinse, Repeat as Phoebe would say (or sing... horribly). And through it all I try to make the best decisions I can to get me to where I want to be - Jiggle Free.

So, don't assume that I'm failing just because I'm not writing. Whenever I get free time, I try to catch up on all of your blogs and leave comments, so I'll continue to do that. And, when I think of something interesting to write about, I will do so. Until then, I'll just keep on keepin' on...


Anonymous said...

I'm the same. I check the blogs when I have time, and comment when I have something to say. I don't always have something to blog about either. Going at my own pace.

Rebecca said...

Lacy, I really hope that nobody has made you feel like not blogging makes you a bad person! Do you sweetheart, and that's all. You have a lot on your plate, and I think that blogging plays a more important role for some than for others, which is cool. As long as you're not falling into a vat of chocolate cake. If you are, please call me - I'll fly to Detroit and join you. ;)

Jay said...

Yep, you gotta do what works for you.

Dave said...

As long as you blog a couple times a month (just so we know you are still with us) it's all good :P

Glad to hear you are kicking ass on losing weight too, we have a competition to win...

Rob Tucker said...

It's good to hear you doing well. I know that sometimes I dump on the Coalition for not blogging every day and keeping up - but those comments are intended for those (including myself) who are wondering WHY we're not losing, but deep down we know it's because we're not trying hard.

If you're working hard and finding success, you don't need to do exactly what "everyone else" does. I'm glad to see you doing well. If I've said anything to make you feel otherwise, it's my apologies - I become the hardass sometimes because I care so much about this group.

Ripx180 said...

Opps, I think i was the guy who said "Step away from the donut"... I didn't mean anything by it and was smiling when I wrote it (just being a jester). No seriousness in my comment. I apologize, it wasn't out of meanness I swear it. Just sincerely wondering how you were...

Anyway glad to see you are doing well and that life is keeping you busy. You do have a full plate. I will no longer prod you to post on the blog. Like you said Keep on Keeping on.

swankywanker said...

Yay, you're back. I'll just say this, I enjoy reading your blog a lot. So the more entries you make, the better it is for me. I'll take as much as I can get.

Rob Tucker said...

Hey, can you shoot me your starting weight for the challenge? You and Marcol are up, let me know if you want to change the team name?

Kevin A. said...
This comment has been removed by the author.
Anonymous said...

Yeah, you've got to do what works for you. That's the funny thing about weight loss. There's a basic formula that works, but everyone has to customize it to their own lifestyle. For some, blogging consistently keeps them on track. For others, incorporating healthy habits into their very busy lives is what works for them. Something my granddad told me that has stuck with me is that there is no ONE way of doing things. He was referring to art at the time, but I think it applies to many areas in life - including weight loss. You do what works for you. The fact that you're losing weight proves that what you do is working for you. :)

Keep up the good work, Lacy. You're doing great!

Rob Tucker said...

Hey, no rush but can I get your starting weight for the September challenge? Thanks =)