My Current Weight Loss

Monday, June 4, 2007

Day 74

All things considered, I had a pretty good weekend. Friday night Matt and I were supposed to go to dinner with his old Scout Master at the Cheesecake Factory. Well, it was going to be a really long wait because we had about 12 people, so we went to California Pizza Kitchen instead. I got a super-thin crust pizza and a diet coke. Much better than anything I could have gotten at the Cheesecake Factory, especially because we didn't get dessert! On Saturday we went to a BBQ at Matt's cousin's place... he was grilling brats, burgers, & chicken stuffed with bacon and cheese. All of which sounded yummy, but I brought my own marinated chicken breast instead. I did splurge a bit... I ate some 7-layer dip (OMG that stuff was good!), and I had a little piece of cheesecake for dessert. I didn't eat much during the day, though, so I was still within my points. Then on Sunday, Matt and I went out to brunch. I didn't get the healthiest thing on the menu, but I did pretty good - turkey & avocado sandwhich on sourdough, minus the cheese, and a side of frut. And for dinner I made the infamous Mexican Lasagna! Someone (whose name possibly starts with A and ends with Y) never posted the recipe, but I found a WW recipe and it was SOO yummy! Even Matt liked it! :) Anyhow, I guess the point of this blog is that while I didn't have a perfect weekend, I'm pretty proud of how I handled all of the tempting situations, especially when I think about how I would have eaten before.

Oh, and I got Matt to take "before" pictures of me... (yes, it's taken me this long to get up the courage to actually do it). And let me tell you... those pictures will not be seen for a very, very, very long time... until I've made enough progess for people to say "wow!". Looking at them really made me want to puke/cry/crawl under a rock. But, I'll never look that bad again! :)


Anonymous said...

Those before pictures are the worst. It took me a few months to get the courage to post mine...and I had "after" pictures to accompany them. But you're right, you won't be there again. And I love the fact that you made good decisions in the "real world." That's a sign that this is becoming a lifestyle for you. Keep up the great work.

We should plan another hike soon! I swear, I won't lead us up a steep rock (aka death) this time. :)

Rebecca said...

Lacy, you're right, you should be proud of how you handled the temptation. Bringing your own chicken to a cookout - you better do it! :)

Rob Tucker said...

When you're thinking about those "Before" pictures - just think of all those "Afters" that you'll have to compare them to.

Look at those Befores often - it'll inspire the hell out of you when you finally see an After that you like. Keep it up!

billy said...

Not to tempt you, but when you lose 20, come on down to South Philly! I'll split one with you!